Pivotal Penguin's

Digital Academy

Start, grow, and scale your business by exploring the step-by-step courses below.

Discover the Purchasing Path of Your Customers

In this course, you will travel along the Customer Journey, and learn what path-to-purchase your customers take as they make buying decisions. Customers might experience this process subconsciously, but your business need to be acutely aware of every step and design their digital marketing strategy accordingly.

Start Selling Online in 60 Minutes

This course will provide you with the fundamental knowledge required to build an e-commerce website. With this user-friendly (no-coding required) website product, you can close the loop from product awareness to point-of-purchase and wrap it all in a cohesive shopping experience for your customers.

Take Control of Your Online Reputation

After completing this module, you will understand why your online reputation is critical for the success of your business. You will be empowered to manage your reputation from one user-friendly dashboard.